Thursday 21 April 2011

Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls

Type: Anime
Status: Complete (12 episodes)

Premise: The Tokugawa Shogunate (the system of government that enforced strict class hierarchy inforced by the samurai) never lost power and instead thrived, generals who have the ability to awaken the worrier spirit within people have continued to enforce the will of the Damyo resulting in a new period of peace in an iron grip.  Yagyuu Muneakira is a Samurai with a strict code of honor, he defends 2 women being attacked by ninja and is branded a traitor only to be saved by a naked girl who fell from the sky steals a kiss from him and proceeds to slaughter the ninja (its complicated, watch the first episode I can't explain....)

Thaughts: This anime is out there...... RELY out there. If you make it through the first 2.5 minutes then you start to appreciate this anime as having a rather ambitious idea behind it with a visual style that I have never seen used in any way close to this. An intriguing concept but this is NOT a standard anime so be prepared to broaden your horizons.

Prose: The art style for this anime is AMAZING, it is done in a way to make the entire scene look like an ink painting things like ink drops and splatter effects (not limited to fighting) are common giving it an extremely distinctive look and feel. They went all out for the setting as well, everything is modeled after Edo era japan with allot of culture packed into every detail of the anime.

Cons: OUT THERE. You will need to suspend disbelief when you start watching this because the creators were going for the wow factor rather than a believable storyline, things like walking on air and other seudo physics are the name of the game.

-Notes: Fully dubbed. 

8/10          (Those first 2.5 minutes are something aren't they?)

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