Monday 29 August 2011

Casshern Sins

Type: Anime
Status: Complete (24 episodes)

Premise: The world has gone to ruin. After the murder of Luna and the last great hope of human and robot alike, there is no way to introduce life into the world and the slow decline to death is all but inevitable. Casshern is the man who doomed this world; he killed Luna and now is the only person immune to the wasting. He is no longer the person he once was however; his actions have changed him and now he finally sees the crimes he has committed.

Thoughts: This anime is intriguing due to the fact that we start into it after the final blow has already been struck. We start off in the world were evil has already won and the world is unavoidably doomed to die an agonizing death. We watch as the ultimate villain comes to grips with what he has done and feels remorse. It's vary easy to hate our main character and it always hangs over our head that no mater how much he tries he may never atone for what he has done.

Prose: A dark and gritty story in a post apocalyptic world. The art style is odd for an anime, and is more like a watercolor portrait than actual animation but it conveys the washed out and dreary feeling beautifully and makes this story truly distinctive at a glance.

Cons: You will either enjoy the nuances of this story or truly despise the dark and dreary atmosphere. It is a rather depressing series but then again it is the end of the world.

-Notes: Fully dubbed. Apparently this is a side story to the main series using the same characters in a drastically revised setting and plot, I haven't looked into it myself but it might be worth a look at if you enjoyed it.

8.5/10          (There is no life without fear of death.)

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