Monday 2 May 2011

Macross Frontier

Type: Anime
Status: Complete (25 episodes)

Premise: Earth has sent out numerous space fleets in order to find a new habitable planet to colonize, Macross Frontier consisting of civilians, military, even its own system of government to direct the entire fleet. Saotome Alto is inducted into the S.M.S. mercenary group after demonstrating his skills during an attack by a mysterious hostile enemy and continues to protect his friends as the crisis worsens.

Thoughts: This anime is styled to be a space opera of sorts, it has an amazing soundtrack that is used as a plot device on several occasions and along with some of the best and most fluid animations I have ever seen comes together to be quite a treat to watch. The plot is interesting if not its best feature, but it is solid non the less allowing for some good characters to develop over the coarse of the series.

Prose: Amazing soundtrack, wonderful animation with fluid movement and vary little stock footage makes this a pleasure to watch.

Cons: The plot is somewhat outlandish at times but for the most part it performs admirably, a weakness to the anime but not a crippling one. This anime is heavily influenced by the music that is played during the scenes, they are in Japanese so they are subbed BUT the conversations are also subbed and do often overlap with the music resulting in alot of reading and not enough time to do it in.

-Notes: Subbed only, and th viewing experience would be greatly helped by a dubbed version (I am not even sure that is in the works though).This anime is the 3rd set in the Macross universe, while the story does not specifically require previous knowledge of the other series I can't help but think that the experience would have been greatly aided by having seen the other series which would have provided a much better depth the story. 

8/10          (Ranka's cell phone is amazing IMO.)

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